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Prior Information Notice - Pobal - Battery chargers Supply, Installation , Commissioning and Operation of Public Electric Vehicle Chargers for Eligible Sports Clubs on Island of Ireland Ireland: Battery chargers Supply, Installation , Commissioning and Operation of Public Electric Vehicle Chargers for Eligible Sports Clubs on Island of Ireland. The purpose of this notice is to inform the market of a planned procurement for the design, supply, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of public charging units which will be installed in eligible Sports Clubs as two lots Lot 1 - Republic of Ireland; Lot 2 - Northern Ireland. The supply and associated works and services for installation and commissioning will be funded through the Department of Transport – ZEVI and the Shared Island Fund – Department of the Taoiseach. Pobal is designated by the Department of Transport-ZEVI as the Central Purchasing Body (CPB) for the operation of the Shared Island Sports Clubs EV Charging Scheme. The CPB intends to establish two framework agreements with suitably qualified Charge Point Operators (CPOs) for the design, build, installation, supply and commissioning of rapid-fast DC chargers at a number of locations in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland. CPOs that are awarded contracts from the framework will be required to enter two separate contractual agreements with each Sports Club. The first contract relates to the design, supply, construction, installation and commissioning of rapid/fast DC chargers at locations in Ireland and at locations in Northern Ireland. The second contract (a licence agreement) relates to the provision of an operation and maintenance service of the charge point(s) with each Sports Club on a commercially agreed basis. This contract will be for a minimum 10 year term. Further information including contact details can be found in the attachment. 14/03/2025 2025-OJS052-00166783-en 14.03.25.pdf