Walkthrough Help Guides

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Interactive Walkthroughs for Economic Operators

Title Description Scenario (EN)
How to register your organisation The scenario describes the steps that you need to follow in order to register your organisation to the system, select the CPV codes of interest and register the administrator of your organisation EO_1.htm
How to manage the details of your organisation The scenario describes the steps that Economic Operator admin needs to follow in order to manage the details of your organisation EO_2.htm
How to select the CPV Codes of Interest The scenario describes the steps that Economic Operator admin needs to follow in order to edit the CPV codes of interest. EO_3.htm
How to add users to your organisation The scenario describes the steps that Economic Operator admin needs to follow in order to add new users to your organisation. EO_4.htm
How to edit users in your organisation The scenario describes the steps that Economic Operator admin needs to follow in order to edit user profiles. EO_5.htm
How to download contract documents The scenario describes the steps that need to be followed by a user in order to downloaded the Contract documents of a Call for Tenders. EO_6.htm
How to send a message The scenario describes the steps that need to be followed in order to send a message for a Call for Tender. EO_7.htm
How to submit using the online tool The scenario describes the steps that need to be followed in order to create your tender using the online tender preparation tool. EO_8.htm
How to submit using the offline tool The scenario describes the steps that need to be followed in order to create your tender using the offline tender preparation tool. (Use where multiple users will be contributing or internet access is unavailable for part of tender preparation.) EO_9.htm
How to participate in e-Auctions The scenario describes the steps that need to be followed in order to submit an offer during an eAuction event EO_10.htm