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CfT: DfI TRAM T-1131 A1 Junctions Phase 2 Road Improvements Scheme

Tender submission deadline in (days/hours):
Buyer Organisation:
Department for Infrastructure
DfI TRAM T-1131 A1 Junctions Phase 2 Road Improvements Scheme
CfT CA Unique ID:
DfI TRAM-309
Evaluation Mechanism:
Best Price-Quality Ratio
The works required under this contract involve the design and construction of improvement works along approximately 25.2km of the A1 dual carriageway between Loughbrickland and the Hillsborough Roundabout. This will be a Design and Build contract, and as such the applicant will be required to manage the design and the construction processes for all permanent and temporary works associated with the Contract. The proposed scheme will include, but is not limited to, the following main elements: (i) Construction of 4 Compact Grade Separated Junctions (CGSJ), (ii) Construction of a new northbound on-slip from the Castlewellan Road (Banbridge) onto the A1, (iii) Construction of a link road connecting the Milebush Road to the Hillsborough Road CGSJ, Dromore, (iv) Closure of all gaps within the central reserve, (v) Installation of a continuous rigid central reserve safety barrier the full 25.2km length of the scheme, (vi) Closure of 9 selected side roads and approximately 50 private accesses on the mainline, (vii) Conversion of 21 No. existing minor road junctions onto the A1 to Left-IN/Left-Out (LILO) configurations, (viii) Installation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) including Variable Message Signs (VMS), Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), and (ix) Accommodation works including accesses, laneways, fencing, planting, drainage, utility alterations, etc.
Procurement Type:
2014/24/EU (Classic)
CfT Involves:
A Public Contract
CPV Codes:
45200000-Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45220000-Engineering works and construction works
45230000-Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork
Contact Point:
Award per Item:
Inclusion of e-Auctions:
NUTS codes:
Above or Below OJEU Threshold:
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
23/01/2025 15:00
End of clarification period:
23/01/2025 15:00
Upload of documents within the clarifications:
Tenders Opening Date:
23/01/2025 15:30
Allow suppliers to make an online Expression Of Interest:
Contract awarded in Lots:
EU funding:
Multiple tenders will be accepted:
Contract duration in months or years, excluding extensions:
36 months
Validity of Tender in days or months:
12 months
Date of Publication/Invitation:
12/12/2024 12:42