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CfT: Pre Market Consultation Exercise for EA Catering Equipment Requirements for School Meals Kitchens throughout Northern Ireland

Buyer Organisation:
the Education Authority
Pre Market Consultation Exercise for EA Catering Equipment Requirements for School Meals Kitchens throughout Northern Ireland
CfT CA Unique ID:
Evaluation Mechanism:
Price/Cost Effectiveness
** This is not a tender exercise by the Education Authority** The Education Authority (EA) wishes to establish two frameworks, one for the Supply and delivery of Ware washing and Refrigeration Equipment, and the second for Supply and Delivery of Cooking Equipment, for EA's Catering Service and the participating bodies named. Details of the anticipated equipment requirement can be found within the Pre Market Engagement Questionnaire within this eTendersNI project. As part of the preparation activities the Education Authority request that suppliers review and respond to the Pre-Market Engagement Questionnaire which will help EA understand market capabilities and gain knowledge to inform the development of specifications and tender documentation. The exercise will also provide procurement awareness for suppliers regarding the EA’s requirements for the purchase of these products. Should you wish to participate in this pre-market engagement exercise, please complete the Pre-Market Engagement Questionnaire and return by the closing date noted in the questionnaire. Future tender documentation will be made available via the website and interested suppliers should register, if not already registered, on this website to ensure they have access to tender documentation when any invitation to tenders are published. This pre-market engagement event is for information purposes only. Any interest shown does not constitute a commitment to participate in a procurement exercise. Please note that participation or non-participation in this preliminary market consultation exercise shall not prevent any supplier from participating in any potential procurement process, nor is it intended that any information supplied shall place any supplier at an advantage or disadvantage in any forthcoming procurement process. For the avoidance of doubt, this is the scoping phase of the project and is not part of a formal procurement process. Further information including the questionnaire can be downloaded from Cft documents. The Questionnaire must be completed and returned via the Messaging function of eTendersni
Procurement Type:
2014/24/EU (Classic)
CfT Involves:
The establishment of a framework agreement
Framework agreement Timeframe:
CPV Codes:
42214100-Cooking ovens
39310000-Catering equipment
39711100-Refrigerators and freezers
39711124-Industrial freezers
39711121-Chest-type freezers
39711361-Electric ovens
42340000-Non-domestic ovens
42341000-Commercial ovens
Contact Point:
Participating bodies:
the Education Authority
Award per Item:
Inclusion of e-Auctions:
NUTS codes:
Estimated value (GBP):
Above or Below OJEU Threshold:
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
17/09/2024 15:00
End of clarification period:
16/09/2024 15:00
Upload of documents within the clarifications:
Tenders Opening Date:
20/09/2024 00:00
Allow suppliers to make an online Expression Of Interest:
Contract awarded in Lots:
EU funding:
Multiple tenders will be accepted:
Contract duration in months or years, excluding extensions:
48 months
Validity of Tender in days or months:
90 days
Date of Publication/Invitation:
30/08/2024 15:17