77314000-Grounds maintenance services 77341000-Tree pruning 77340000-Tree pruning and hedge trimming 77211500-Tree-maintenance services 77211400-Tree-cutting services 77211300-Tree-clearing services 90620000-Snow-clearing services 79311000-Survey services 77310000-Planting and maintenance services of green areas 34927100-Road salt 14410000-Rock salt
Contact Point:
Participating bodies:
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Northern Health and Social Care Trust South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Southern Health and Social Care Trust Western Health and Social Care Trust NI Fire and Rescue Services
Award per Item:
Inclusion of e-Auctions:
NUTS codes:
Above or Below OJEU Threshold:
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
06/02/2025 15:00
End of clarification period:
30/01/2025 15:00
Upload of documents within the clarifications:
Tenders Opening Date:
06/02/2025 15:30
Allow suppliers to make an online Expression Of Interest:
Contract awarded in Lots:
Number Of Lots :
Lot Name(1)
Lot 1 - General Grounds Maintenance
Award per Item: Yes
Lot Name(2)
Lot 2 - Winter Gritting and Snow Clearance
Award per Item: Yes
Lot Name(3)
Lot 3 - Tree Survey and Tree Surgery
Award per Item: Yes
Lot Name(4)
Lot 4 - Invasive Species Survey and Treatment
Award per Item: Yes
Lot Name(5)
Lot 5 - Biodiversity Survey and Design and Provision and Maintenance
Award per Item: Yes
Lot Name(6)
Lot 6 - Supply and Delivery of White Rock Salt, Exothermic Pellets, Eco Friendly Grit and De-icer
Award per Item: Yes
Lot Name(7)
Lot 7 - SEHSCT General Grounds Maintenance and Winter Gritting and Snow Clearance
Award per Item: Yes
Lot Name(8)
Lot 8 - NHSCT General Grounds Maintenance
Award per Item: Yes
Tenders For Lots:
Maximum Number of Lots
Maximum Number of Lots:
EU funding:
Multiple tenders will be accepted:
Contract duration in months or years, excluding extensions: