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CfT: **Pre-Market Engagement** DE - GTCNI - Registration Database

Buyer Organisation:
CPD - Supplies and Services Division
**Pre-Market Engagement** DE - GTCNI - Registration Database
CfT CA Unique ID:
Evaluation Mechanism:
Price/Cost Effectiveness
The General Teachers Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) are considering how best to procure a Registration Database. Construction and Procurement Delivery (CPD) is running a Pre-Procurement Engagement on behalf of GTCNI and is inviting suitably qualified and experienced suppliers who may have an interest in this project to complete a questionnaire via etendersNI under ID2857563, to assist GTCNI in gaining a better understanding of the feasibility of their requirements, the most appropriate approach, the capacity of the market to deliver and any possible risks or issues that may not have previously been considered. Any information provided in response to this Market Engagement exercise marked as commercially sensitive will be treated as such. Interested parties are requested to complete a questionnaire via etendersNI under ID2857563, which will be available within the next few days and return it via eTendersNI messaging function by 15:00 on Tuesday 18 August 2020. Please note detailed and lengthy submissions are not necessary at this stage. Nonetheless, we welcome any pertinent information on your company's capability and views on an approach to the provision of a range of required services. Respondents' views or submissions will not be individually identified or revealed to third parties.
Services, Works, Goods:
CPC Category:
Computer and related services
Old Classic
CfT Involves:
A Public Contract
CPV Codes:
72000000-IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
72200000-Software programming and consultancy services
72210000-Programming services of packaged software products
Publish on behalf of:
General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
Award per Item:
NUTS codes:
Above or Below Threshold:
Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
27/08/2020 12:00
End of clarification period:
27/08/2020 12:00
Upload of documents within the clarifications:
Tenders Opening Date:
27/08/2020 12:30
Allow suppliers to make an online Expression Of Interest:
Contract awarded in Lots:
EU funding:
Multiple tenders will be accepted:
Contract duration in months or years, excluding extensions:
60 months
Validity of Tender in days or months:
90 days
Date of Publication/Invitation:
28/07/2020 15:26